Category: Sober living


These stimulants increase levels of dopamine, a brain chemical that can create feelings of euphoria. While many reports are saying this new designer drug is sweeping the state of Florida, the mind-altering substance has also been popping up in a few other states across the country, including Ohio and Texas. Hall says ... Read More
12 July 2024aero07


It’s often easier to turn down a drink when you don’t have to do it alone. Knowing why you drink Hope House Boston Review is essential, says Cyndi Turner, LCSW, LSATP, MAC, a Virginia therapist specializing in addiction treatment and alcohol moderation. Research suggests they often thrive in long-term recovery, ... Read More
4 October 2023aero07


But it can also develop with regular and continued alcohol use in social drinkers. If you have alcohol dependence, it means that you have reached a point of needing alcohol to function. Functional tolerance is when the brain functions of drinkers adapt to compensate for the disruption that alcohol causes ... Read More
25 August 2023aero07


If you know someone who has firsthand knowledge of a program, it may help to ask about their personal experience. Acceptance- and mindfulness-based interventions increase awareness and acceptance of present-moment experiences. Mindfulness-based skill-building strategies promote flexible, rather than autopilot, responses to triggers that can prompt drinking. The evidence suggests that ... Read More
14 February 2023aero07


This experience, to me, was so boring and mindless; it was enough to make you want to use drugs again. My definition is more consistent with current scientific thinking about recovery, which includes the use of modern, lifesaving medications that help people overcome the biological components of their ... Read More
9 November 2021aero07


Migraine attacks can last for hours to days, and the pain can be so bad that it interferes with your daily activities. Whiskey and red wine are two of the most common migraine triggers. If you’re going to drink either of these, be sure to do so in moderation and ... Read More
25 May 2021aero07


Before you decide to stop drinking, talk to a healthcare provider to determine what treatment options are available and whether you would benefit from medical supervision during detox. The official move away from the terms "abuse" and "dependence" in the DSM-5 is also reflective of a shift in how professionals ... Read More
7 May 2021aero07